

Founded in 2003, EMBA, which belongs to the College of Management, provide in-service master's program during weekends.
➤ Introduction

  The goal of offering Executive Master of Business Administration Program is to follow the competitive trends in globalization.  Therefore, we seek to train students from diversed backgrounds and provide them with managerial practice and knowledge as well as the global perspectives and originality which assist them to acheieve the goal of success.

➤ Direction of Development

In order to offer students’ global perspectives, technology agility and originality, which are the essence of becoming outstanding executives in the future, the College of Management focuses on three fields: Operations Management, Life Management and Agricultural Management. We consider that, by offering the knowledge of the above-mentioned fields to students, extensive business knowledge can be provided to them as well as cutting-edge management knowledge and practical skills.

➤ Faculty and Areas of Research

The EMBA program make the most of the resources of the College of Management. With over 80 professors in various fields, including Agribusiness Management, Business Management, Fashion Design and Management,
Hotel and Restaurant Management, Industrial Management, Management of Imformation Systems, they can certainly assist you in pursuing your specific area of interests.

➤ Coursework Planning

  The core coursework of the EMBA is built on the foundation of the three different specializations – Operations, Life and Agricultural Management. Courses include: Decision Analysis, Organizational Theory and Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, Service and Production Management, Financial Management, Information Technology and Operations Management. 


國立屏東科技大學 管理學院高階經營管理碩士在職專班(簡稱屏科大EMBA)於民國 92年成立,EMBA班隸屬於管理學院院本部(以下簡稱管院),於97年7月成立EMBA校友聯誼會,建立與學院正式溝通管道,民國102年05月起本專班設立班主任(院長)、執行長,由編制內專任教師兼任之。依學校師資總量管制政策,EMBA並無專任師資員額,師資來源皆由管院各系所支援,各系所教師之績效亦為管院之資源,因此EMBA的教學、課程與研究領域涵蓋管院發展三大主軸,成為全國唯一領域橫跨企業經營管理、農業經營管理、生活科技經營管理,三大經營管理領域的EMBA。



  • 配合科技化、全球化與自由化之企業經營趨勢,提供在職高階主管應具有全球廣泛思考的管理層次與知能,以提升學生在企業、政府或機關組織之決策分析與經營管理能力。
  • 針對職場生涯發展之需要,提供學生經營管理、人力資源管理、財務分析以及各種基本管理智能,以增加學生在原有專業融合管理知識應用之能力。
  • 因應經濟結構與社會轉變,提供將原有知識、想法、技術與觀念之轉化、轉變或轉型,以建立具有自我提升、自我學習與自我成長之適應環境變動能力。


  1. 透過教學與研究增進產業及知識互動提升經營管理知識。
  2. 提供學生具規劃性指導與全球化學習機會達到知識創新目的。
  3. 提供理論與實務融合研習機會達到產學應用目的。

